Flax it Up

Flax is a super food!

Those of us who are vegetarians often don’t get enough Omega-3s because we don’t eat fish, but this little seed is full of Omega-3 fatty acids!

Flax is low in carbs (which is great for diabetics) and also high in anti-oxidants, which means its full of cancer fighting goodness!

And that’s not all!

Some of the good that Flax helps with is: allergies, asthma, heart disease, arthritis, cholesterol, stabilizing blood sugar, and digestion!

Be careful…


A few warnings about flax.


1. The whole seed will pass through your system, and flax oil does not contain fiber or antioxidants. Thus, the best way to have it is in powdered form.

2. You can powder flax seeds at home, but you’ll have to do it in small quantities, because it can go rancid fast, especially in the heat. For me, the easiest thing to do is to buy it ready-ground in vacuum-packed mini packets (more info below).

3. Don’t over-do it. It’s very high in fiber, so it can cause a laxative effect if taken in doses that are too large. Keep it at 3 tbsp or less of flax meal per day.


Where to get it?

If you live in India, you’re in luck! Flax seed is readily available. It’s called “tishi” in Bangla and “alsi” in Hindi. We get the brown flax in this part of the world (there’s a golden flax that’s available in the West, but the health benefits are the same).


Most supermarkets – Big Bazaar, Le Marché, Modern Bazaar, etc. – carry Flaxseed Oil and Flaxseed Powder. I recommend getting the powder. It comes in a box in little foil packages, sealed for freshness, which I keep in the fridge. I use one packet every time I want to add it to a dish.

This is the brand and box of the flax seed powder which i buy which is readily available in delhi…

Flaxseed Powder



Okay, it’s good for me & I’ve bought it… now what?!


The great thing about flax is that it has very little flavor. That means you can add it to anything! Here are some ideas:


– Add a tbsp to your smoothie

– Mix some into a cup of juice or milk

– Sprinkle on top of your morning oatmeal

– Use it in a salad dressing

– Make flax crackers for a low-carb, nutritious snack! Mix 2 cups flax powder with 1 cup water, a pinch of salt, and any flavorings you desire (maybe cheese & garlic, herbs, soy sauce, dates & cinnamon for a sweet cracker, etc.) and make a dough. Roll it out onto a baking sheet, score it into squares (so it’s easy to break apart once it’s cooked), and bake for 20-30 mins 200ºC. They’re great to use with dips and make a healthy alternative to chips!

– Add a couple of tbsps to any baked goods e.g. muffins, banana bread, or a loaf of bread if you make it at home.




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